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My house is probably five miles from a row of extinct volcanoes. The three above are called “The Three Sisters.” I never understood this because five volcanoes are easily visible in the same area. I did not really even believe it, so I looked it up online, and yes, they are called that. (But there were lots more references to volcanoes in Oregon by the same name.) Go to the link. The picture is better than these–better sky.

hiking trail washed out after lots of rain--click to enlarge

hiking trail washed out after lots of rain--click to enlarge

This row of volcanoes resides in the Petroglyph National Monument. We like to hike there, but I have never made it to the largest volcano (the one on the left in the top photo which is farthest from the start of the trail) because I have never been there without my youngest daughter, who was probably three the last time we went. (She refused the backpack and could not walk that far.) One day I will go to it.

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The scenery from here is spectacular. One gets a grew view of the valley with contains the city of Albuquerque.

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In the winter, the elevation is just enough higher that the volcanoes sometimes have snow when the flatlands around them do not.

Do come back for  SkyWatch Friday to see these silhouetted against a brilliant sky! (This Thursday at 7:30 p.m. GMT.)

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