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Just back from Missouri. It was a quick, but fun trip. Although southwest Missouri skies are not always as spectacular as New Mexico skies (probably a lot to do with humidity and trees that hide the skies from view), October is a terrific month for the sky there. These are not the most remarkable pictures in my sky files, but they are not bad, and it was what I saw this week.

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The first photo was taken five minutes before the second photo. I could not believe this myself and had to look at the information on the photos to be sure. The first was from my dad’s driveway. He lives on a hill and has a pretty decent view of the sunrise as well as the sunset. The second was taken while I was driving, and I cannot 100% determine the direction. The road in it makes me think it is toward the southwest, but I think there should be more color in it if that were the case. I am just not sure.

If you are a regular reader and have not seen the last post, you might enjoy it. Prince Charming wrote it and reveals some of my finer “qualities.”

I am gradually catching up on visiting all of you, but Sky Watch will make the progress a little slower. It will happen, eventually. I have been immensely enjoying immersing myself in your photography and writing as I catch up!

Have a lovely weekend! My skies now are deep, deep blue and clear.

To see LOTS more terrific sky pictures,ย  head to the SkyWatch blog hosted by Tom, Sandy , Imac , Ivar, Wren, Fishing Guy and Klaus.

Edited:ย  I finally figured out which road was in the second picture. The direction it was taken is northwest–with a little more slant toward the west. That explains the lighter color a little better!