I saw this golden glory in the sky and ran to take pictures. I thought it would be good, and I might even be able to drive for better ones.

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But twelve seconds later it was already fading. No excuse for non-productivity that night!

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click photo to enlarge

To see LOTS more terrific sky pictures or to find out how to participate in this meme, head to the SkyWatch blog.

Because it is supposed to snow later today, I needed something warm to view. This was taken last week when it WAS warm.

click photo to enlarge

click photo to enlarge

To see LOTS more terrific sky pictures or to find out how to participate in this meme, head to the SkyWatch blog.

When I posted a rainbow last year for SkyWatch Friday, I said that I did not think I would ever post one because I just cannot photograph what I see. But when I did it, it was a good photograph, even if it was not as spectacular as being there.


Today’s is not quite such an excellent one, but I loved how the rainbow showed up in blue sky. I was driving home in the rain (rare for our desert this time of year, but we had it twice in one week–and it was COLD!), and I saw it. A full rainbow over the city and mountain. Spectacular. But I wasn’t in a place to get  a good picture. I took a few on the fly, but hoped it would last.

It faded, but these pictures are after I got on top of the mesa and could stop for a good view.

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click photo to enlarge

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It is cold here. Extremely cold. It was 12 (F) when I got up yesterday. OK, it is not as cold as some of you have it, but my house is cold inside. COLD. (Note: That was the outdoor temperature. Inside it slightly warmer!)

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Because our elevation is around 5000 feet, our heat depends on sun. Thank goodness we have a lot of it–310 days a year. However, this week has been short on sun. Tuesday was a day with mixed snow and sun. There were large snow squalls all day. Toward the end of the day I thought it was actually going to get busy and snow, but three minutes later the sun was shining.  (I am not sure what made me so delusional. Probably wishful thinking about the possibility of no school on Wednesday–“art day.”)

The first photo is one I took on the way to an appointment. I loved seeing part of the city obscured in a snow storm while it was perfectly clear where I was. When I left, however, I drove about 500 feet and got in a mini blizzard myself.

The next photo shows how hard the pellets (yes, usually they were pellets, not flakes) were coming down at times. If these episodes had lasted more than a few minutes, we would have been buried!

click photo to enlarge and see snow detail better

click photo to enlarge and see snow detail better

To see LOTS more terrific sky pictures or to find out how to participate in this meme, head to the SkyWatch blog.

This is another December 2007 photo. It was taken in the opposite directions of last week’s photo.

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It seems I do not have much to say about this other than I think it is a beautiful mountain, but the name “Spud” does not quite convey its majesty, in my opinion.  To go through the mountain pass in this area is something I have done once and never intend to do again.  If I need to get to the other side of the mountain, I will choose an alternate route!

This is taken from Purgatory Ski Resort near Durango, Colorado. Apparently it is really called “Durango Mountain Resort,” but no one calls it that since it was “Purgatory” for years before they changed the name.

To see LOTS more terrific sky pictures or to find out how to participate in this meme, head to the SkyWatch blog.

Note about name of mountain: I can already see this is going to be a question. SOOO, first I’m not 100% sure that’s the mountain’s name. But it IS the name of one of the mountains that could be seen from where I am standing, and the expert I asked said she THOUGHT it was that one. It supposedly looks like a potato???  (WHATEVER!) I did not name it!

My USB port is not working today, so this is an archived pictured.

click photo to enlarge.

click photo to enlarge.

It is from December 2007 when we went with some friends to their condo at Purgatory Ski Village. I used this photo on my Christmas cards last year because I did not get my regular stamped ones made and someone had the nerve to say, “Your card just wasn’t as cute as I was expecting.”

I’m not sure what could be more beautiful than this!

To see LOTS more terrific sky pictures or to find out how to participate in this meme, head to the SkyWatch blog.

Note:  Please do not think I was offended by the comment about the Christmas card. I realize the world is full of  people without a clue, and that was one of them!  After reading some of the comments, I thought I should tell you this. It takes a lot to make me feel attacked.  A WHOLE lot more than that! I mostly put it in because I thought it was funny.


A week ago yesterday I took to the skies to Orlando for a business conference. There is no better time than early January for a little shot-in-the-arm for motivation, especially if it is in a warmer place than where my flight was originating!

The sky was incredible that day. On the way to the airport I noticed some really interesting clouds above the mountains, but they had mostly broken up while waiting on the plane. In this photo, THOSE clouds are the small ones hanging right over the tops of the mountains.


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This is the same mountain I have shown in many previous posts, but a view from the south–and a little higher. Probably about 1/3 of Albuquerque is also in the picture. It seems bit drab and barren in the winter, but I certainly do not mind with a brilliant blue sky nearly every day!

To see LOTS more terrific sky pictures or to find out how to participate in this meme, head to the SkyWatch blog.

We got our first dose of cold and snow this week. We only had flurries at our house, but it is definitely more chilly than last week.


This is a squall northeast of our house. I love how open it is here because we can see things like this miles away. I DID happen to be on the roof at the time because Prince Charming was putting up the holiday lights, but I could have seen it from my bedroom window as well. I did not even notice the bright spots on the clouds until I uploaded the photos this morning.

To see LOTS more terrific sky pictures or to find out how to participate in this meme, head to the SkyWatch blog.

Last weekend we went to the Purgatory Ski Resort with some friends who have a condo there.  This is a picture from the condo parking lot.

click on photo to enlarge

To see LOTS more terrific sky pictures or to find out how to participate in this meme, head to the SkyWatch blog.


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This picture was not taken today, or even in this state, but the sky looks almost the same as it does today here.

The picture was taken in June in Missouri from my dad’s house. They had 11 Canadian geese that flew over every morning and evening while I was visiting last spring. I found them at a nearby pond one day during the day, but I do not know where they were most of the time.

I did not have any turkey pictures with sky in them, so I thought that geese would have to due to Thanksgiving.

If you are in the United States, I hope you are having a relaxed and festive day, and that you eat exactly the right amount to make you happy!

To see LOTS more terrific sky pictures or to find out how to participate in this meme, head to the SkyWatch blog.